Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Homosexuality(LGBT) and Our Gender Norms and Flaws

The key component here for these adolescents, and for me, is what the author brought up about the social identity that society creates for these adolescents.  Society convinces LGBT to be a certain way, to misinterpret their true feelings and emotions for the sake of normalcy and keeping society happy.  This is so sad and unfortunate for these adolescent females, and especially the males who are more likely to be alienated from their family. 
On a religious perspective, I like what was mentioned from a religious book, “Most normal people hate and fear homosexual practices both because they fear their OWN PASSIONS and because they are afraid of their own children.”(Hetrick, p.27).  It does involve self respect, and this population can be disrespected and educated on how to AVOID being homosexual rather than how to COPE with homosexuality in a positive way. 

We believe and internalize antilocutions (negative verbal statements and beliefs about a hated group).  The anticolutions are internalized because of lack of access to accurate information or appropriate role models.  Knowledge of their sexual orientation may have a negative effect on their treatment in all sectors of society- family, school, job, etc (Hetrick, p.29).  This “we” vs. “they” mentality develops.  Homosexual groups are so similar to minority groups experiencing this social and economic deprivation and not being able to self actualize on their lives, their worth, their value as human beings (PRIS). 

Freud said problems of homosexuality were caused by SOCIETAL OPPRESSION rather than homosexuality itself. YES! This societal oppression created friction for adolescents not being able to claim their true identity and true self rather they are forced to conform to societal norms
What happens psychologically and socially for these adolescents?
  1. Social Isolation
  2. Emotional Isolation- THE DEPRECIATION OF SELF –HUGE impairment of the development of feelings of self worth, this is where it goes wrong! Self doubt, unworthy of affection and love, mistrust, misguided, etc.
  3. Cognitive Isolation- lack of access to ACCURATE information about homosexuality LACK OF APPROPRIATE ROLE MODELS(LEADING TO UNSUPPORTIVE ENVIRONMENT Problems with family- upset with truancy and poor grades rather than focusing on what is the REAL problem with my child? Parent in denial of the problem, child left at loss and his feelings are jeopardized(PRIS)

The coping strategies are very interesting.  The homosexual population has mastered
LEARNING TO HIDE.  The discredited vs. the discreditable.
The discredited individual is clearly stigmatized and he can not hide, i.e. just like the African-American who can not hide from his skin color.
Discreditable are those who can hide monitor their behavior to think, act, dress, like the norm so they are not given the “label” of homosexuality. 
**Each moment of monitoring which is unconscious and automatic for others serves to reinforce the belief in one’s differences and inferiority****(Hetrick, p. 36).  Each moment they are unconsciously stepping into the societal stigmatization of their own sexuality (PRIS).  They over-monitor their behavior cuing into the reactions of others and trying to be something they are not leading them to chronic feelings of insecurity, anxiety, and poor self worth (PRIS). 
Also, very interesting Cognitive dissonance and Self-fulfilling negativism***
This population encounters denial of membership, hiding their identity, and dissimulation. 
One becomes separate from oneself, separate from their primary group.  The “we” and “me” gets lost and they repress their actual sexuality for the group, i.e. Catholics or Jews.  They are taught to believe that it is just a “phase” they are going through and lead them to hate their homosexual desires and identify with the dominant, STIGMATIZED group.  This self-fulfilling negativism is fully present with the strength of the fear negating the perceived professionalism (Hetrick, p.38).  
This all tags on to our class discussion on gender behaviors that have been socially constructed over time.  Women are suppose to reproduce, men are suppose to be protectors, providers, and strong.  Children are raised to believe that the are “suppose to have” a sexual desire for the opposite sex.  The gender roles are pushed on these adolescents resulting in cognitive dissonance and identity confusion.  Families believe in these rigid distinctions and because their own FEAR they encourage their child to follow the norm, i.e. Father buying his son GI Joe’s, having him play sports, taking him outdoors rather than assessing what his son’s interests are and how he can accommodate him.  Give children/adolescents a choice especially when they are being shaped by their life experiences at this critical time (PRIS).  

 This does not just happen with the homosexual population, it happens with all groups! The stigma against the Mentally ill, racial groups, etc. People internalize what they HEAR AND SEE in the media i.e. misperceptions about depression, schizophrenia, bi-polar disorder, people labeled as “crazy” and “stupid.” African-Americans labeled as lazy and on welfare.  Individuals internalize society’s hatred and overall FEAR.  These social stigmatizations are roots to our social problems and if we can get to the root of the problem perhaps we can fix it=) PRIS

Priscilla C. Raj

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